In this episode of People in Exile, Ben Ellis and Chris Chambers discuss the last session of T4G 2020 (online edition). We discuss the messages brought by Ed Moore and Mark Dever. Ed Moore gave a message on encouraging pastors from 2 Timothy 4:5 - Fulfill. Your. Ministry. While Mark Dever gave us 10 things we can expect on the Day of Judgment. We want to thank all those associated with Together for the Gospel (T4G) for finding a way to make this conference happen even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!
T4G 2020 - Day 2, Session 2 and Day 3, Session 1 - Ligon Duncan, HB Charles, and Kevin DeYoung4/16/2020 In this episode of People in Exile, Ben Ellis and Chris Chambers discuss the messages presented by Ligon Duncan, HB Charles, and Kevin DeYoung on Days two and three of T4G 2020. Ligon Duncan preached from Ephesians 4:11-13. HB Chalres preached from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 about running to win the prize. Finally, Kevin DeYoung brought a message about the Goodness of God, and all that entails. Please remember that all of these messages brought at T4G 2020 are expected to be available at on May 14, 2020.
In this episode, Ben Ellis and Chris Chambers discuss the messages brought by John Piper and Trip Lee. John Piper discusses whether or not we should preach and teach the gospel as expounding the whole Bible. Trip Lee discusses the beauty of the gospel as found in Revelation 1:5-6.
In this episode of People in Exile, Ben Ellis and Chris Chambers have a conversation about T4G 2020, Day 1, Session 2. We discuss Greg Gilbert's message on the gospel as he discusses the priesthood of Christ as well as the kingship of Christ as a representative and suffering servant. We also discuss Albert Mohler's message on the glory of God as found in the gospel.
In this episode of People in Exile, Ben Ellis and Chris Chambers discus Day 1, Session 1 of T4G 2020. We discus Richard Chin's message from Colossians 3:1-17 and David Platt's message from 1 Peter 5:1-4.
In this episode of the People in Exile Podcast, Ben Ellis and Chris Chambers have a conversation with Nathan Brewer about the T4G 2020 Conference. We discussed what we are looking forward to during the conference along with the things we will miss the most by not being together in Louisville, Kentucky.
In this episode of People in Exile, we have a conversation with Mathew Leach about Worship. What is worship? What is special about worship through songs and music? Since we cannot meet corporately in buildings across the country and world, how should we be engaging in worship at home?
In this episode of People in Exile Podcast, we have a conversation with Mathew Leach about his journey to faith in Jesus Christ. Mathew talks about being invited to join a church youth group in high school, being discipled by his youth pastor, and his sense of calling into full-time vocational ministry at age 18. He discuses how that calling was twisted and shaped into where he currently is at Fishhawk Fellowship Church.
PodcastersAndrew Chamberlin Archives
June 2021
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