"Seek the welfare of the city."
— Jeremiah 29:7
— Jeremiah 29:7
A podcast where we have conversations around building a practical framework for living the Christian life in today's world.
We recognize that the church has struggled on a variety of fronts when it comes to engaging with our neighbors and our culture. Some how the church has adopted the language of a cultural war, rather than choosing to love our neighbors well and seeking their welfare. In these conversations we want to walk away for a combative mentality and discover what are some meaningful ways we can seek the welfare of the culture in which God has planted us. We don't believe that seeking the welfare of our communities means sacrificing biblical truth, morality, or faithfulness. Rather we believe that we can, and should, pursue the good of our communities even when we disagree with others in our community.
Thank you for being a part of the conversations!
We recognize that the church has struggled on a variety of fronts when it comes to engaging with our neighbors and our culture. Some how the church has adopted the language of a cultural war, rather than choosing to love our neighbors well and seeking their welfare. In these conversations we want to walk away for a combative mentality and discover what are some meaningful ways we can seek the welfare of the culture in which God has planted us. We don't believe that seeking the welfare of our communities means sacrificing biblical truth, morality, or faithfulness. Rather we believe that we can, and should, pursue the good of our communities even when we disagree with others in our community.
Thank you for being a part of the conversations!